Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Artist mission statement?

The vision board that I just created got me thinking about an artist mission statement. I think it would be a great motivational tool. The vision board definitely is. The vision board reminds me how passionate I am about what I want to achieve. It also reminds me of the balance that is required to make my goals a reality. I'll keep you posted on my progress with the mission statement and I love to know what you think on either topic.


  1. Love it Kristy! especially "The world needs your talent" ~ it does.

  2. This is great Kirsty! I was wondering how to make one myself, i just didn't know where to start. it's great to see what you did, it does inspire! Thank you for sharing this.

  3. Thanks Ladies, I truly believe the world needs our talent and inspiration. I know I do. I could float on a cloud of inspiration for a week straight.

  4. This is beautiful! Great job!!
